Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Spring Concert!

Hello Parents, 

HAPPY MAY! Wow, who would have thought this year could have gone so fast! Our spring concert is really coming along and the students sound great. We will be making a few changes this year to make the most of our final rehearsals. Instead of our traditional three group dress rehearsal the week of the concert we are going to be doing things a bit differently this year. 

The wind ensemble will actually be rehearsing on stage THIS THURSDAY after school. Students will begin in the band room with Jamal and I to work through some parts as a section but will be moving to the gym from 4-5 to run our music on stage. If all goes well this will alleviate the need for a Monday dress rehearsal allowing Mr. Gooding and Mr. McDonough to use the stage as needed early next week. 

Orchestra will rehearse next week as normal however, Mr. Gooding may opt to use the gym towards the end of his lessons if he feels it necessary. 

Mr. McDonough will be using the gym during lunch/after school to give students some stage time. 

Our concert will begin at 7pm NEXT WEDNESDAY (May 23rd) 

Dress code: is "Sunday Casual" with spring colors. No tee shirts, or basket ball shorts. Collared Shirt, slacks or nice Bermuda style shorts. Skirts must be below the knee! 

Also one final reminder that Spring Tuition is due prior to the concert!  
Single Student - $200
Double Student - $300
Triple Student - $350 


Thank you so much everyone! We can't wait to share this wonderful concert with you all! 


Mr. Myers, Mr. Gooding, Mr. McDonough, & Mr. Jones